Plant sales on hold due to cold weather
OOOOhhh it's cold!
**Update 5th July**
We are expecting this record-breaking extreme cold weather to move away by Monday 8th July. Unfortunately we have sustained significant losses, even with normally frost tolerant species. We hope to relist a small number of hot house grown plants again as they become available from late next week.
We are currently in the midst of a very unusual weather pattern that is sitting over us here in Tasmania. A strong high-pressure system is resulting in very cold, clear, still days and nights, with overnight temperatures falling to -3 to -5 degrees each night, coupled with severe frosts daily.
As we have no control over where our plants are stored en route, we will be holding off posting plants until this weather system moves on and we get back to "normal".
The forecast is showing that we'll be -4C overnights until at least 7th July.
Thanks for your patience.